I know you've all missed me, but I've been BUSY! First of all, my sister Eva came back to live with us! Okay, momma says she was just here on a vaCAYshun, but she was here forever.
So, the last time we chatted it was my first birthday! I'm all growed up now. Momma says I'm finally growing out of my ugly stage (she's not always complimentary of me) and she see's a glimmer of the stunning boy I know I am. She says my head is maturing, I'm not sure if she means inside or outside, or both. Anyways, the weekend after my birthday Eva came back!
That was Eva right after she arrived (and after momma trimmed her ears becuase she said they were HORRENDOUSLY hairy).
Bazinga (momma's feline - we dont' call them cats here, it's too confusing) and Zazzles (my feline) have fit into the house really well. We all REALLY REALLY like them, specially me and momma-Impulse. I sometimes carry Zazz around by the head, and he purrs, he loves me.
They're always sleepin' together.
Momma got a new printer thinger and it came in this bag. The felines are always sleeping in it. I tried it out, I fit, and it was cozy, but I didn't think it was good enough to sleep in it more than once.
The first day Eva was at our house, momma was a bit worried she might try to eat the felines. But she made friends.
They liked to snuggle together in her bed, cause momma's cheap and keeps our house REALLY cold, and the boys don't have much hair.
The boys just crawled in there with her and snuggled. They do with me sometimes too, but I'd rather play with them.
They even snuggle with Cat sometimes. Cat looks worried here, but she was just watching something across the room.
Eva settled in pretty quick...
And then for a little while we even had Gambol staying with us! Only for a couple days though.
Momma-Impulse thought he made a good foot rest...
She did it all day to him, it was kinda funny.
Momma says I have to include this picture of uncle Turner cause he's so darn cute. :shrugs: I dunno, he's just plain old Uncle Turner.
Then momma got bored one day, so she moved where we sleep. This used to be the dining room, I think dining room means "room that collects dust cause no one uses it". Now it's a dog room. Momma and her poppa are going to put stairs off the deck that you can see out the sliding glass window so we can go outside that way. Our room is lots bigger than it looks, those are REALLY big ribbons on the wall, and that pictures is nearly three feets across!
And then we kinda didn't do anything interesting.
BUT, then my brother came over last weekend!! And he brought his house-brother Logic!
This is all of us! Oh, but momma-Impulse had to stay in the house cause she had big surgery the day before, and wasn't allowed to run around.
My sister Eva and my brother Jasper.
Me 'n my sister.
Jasper, looking a bit crazy.
Jasper again.
Logic, figuring out the biggest ball he's ever seen!
All of us again! This time we're playing Uncle Turner's favourite game. He's in the lead with the ball, then Cat, then Jasper, me, Eva and Logic. We were all really tired by the end!
Before Eva left, momm bathed her pretty and tried to get family pictures of us. Momma-Impulse and I are not really fans of getting our pictures taken in set up pictures like this...
And they didn't turn out very good...
I was sorta miserable about Eva going home, and didn't want to participate in pictures.
oh well, I'll try harder next time.
Momma says she's really happy with how Eva turned out, and she might show her in altered classes!
She reminds me of someone...
momma says this picture makes her sad and happy all at once (how can someone feel all that and not explode! - do you know what movie *I* just watched?) cause she looks so much like poppa-Argus. Don't tell momma I told you, but she's still real sad that he's not here anymore. I make sure I snuggle her lots.
I sometimes like to snuggle in crazy ways.
I mentioned momma-Impulse had surgery. She wasn't feeling so good, so snuggled up with Zazzles. He's a good snuggler. We seem to do a lot of snuggling in this house. Maybe someone could find momma a money tree so she wouldn't be so cheap with the oil anymore? haha!
And finally, one more picture of my felines.