Saturday, February 18, 2012

Catching Up. By Porter.

We finally made it to 2012! And I know I always say I've been busy, but holy cow, momma has us on a BUSY schedule! Mondays Cat and Halen go to class, Tuesdays momma works late and sometimes goes to club some books, then Weds *I* have class (the most important one!) and Turner has class and then momma-Impulse has class. Thursdays momma plays with clay, and Fridays she plays with us. Sometimes on Fridays we get to go herding! I am loving obedience classes, momma says I'm scary smart. I know this already, and I'm really good. I just sit and stare at her the whole time, which is obviously a really good thing...good thing, cause I like doing it! Anyways, I know you're saying it, get on with PICTURES! And yep, the pictures are all about me, momma said she's gonna do more blogging so you can catch the pics over there. :)

Momma got a new fireplace for Christmas. I think really she got me and my cats a fireplace. I LOVE being hot!

If the fire isn't on, I find other ways to stay warm. TUrner is not always cool with these decisions.

Apparently momma does not like me stealing stuff from the kitchen. Grampa made her this gate. It's Porterproof.

Momma took all us five dogs to You-Clue-Let. I'm not sure what clue you let do what, but that's where we were. We got to hang with our retriever friends James and Earl. They are very handsome. And Halen LOVES Earl, they are besties. Momma's friend took us to the beach, we had SO MUCH FUN! I pulled my groin though. I didn't do it on purpose and momma makes me rest now, but sometimes it's nice to just snuggle with her on the couch.

That's Earl in the front, then Turner, then me and then Halen. He's getting big, but he still can't catch us! Good thing, cause he always takes our ball.

There's all of us! Cat, then Impulse, then Turner, then ME!, then Halen.