Monday, March 19, 2012

I think I'm helpin'. By Porter.

Hi guys!

Ya know, I've been thinking lately about what a good boy I am. It started when I gots my diploma. That's right! I'm a graduate! Even though we missed some classes, mostly cause of snow, I still did real real good. Momma says I have to wait till fall for more classes though, I guess I'm okay with that. I still get to go herding, and that's really all that matters.

Anyways, there's lotsa things I do that I do to help momma out.

1. When I snuggle with her, I make SURE that I'm not gonna fall off the couch so I lean in real hard so momma doesn't have to hang on. Sometimes momma says I'm being pushy, I think I'm helpin'.

2. When I get wet underneath I make sure that I don't get the chair wet while I dry. Momma says I sleep like my poppaArgus, I think I'm helpin'.

3. At nighttime when I need to poop I make sure that I don't wake momma up and go out to the living room and poop where she'll find it in the morning. I know momma needs her sleep to go to work, so this works for everyone. Momma says I can wake her up, but I think I'm helpin'.

4. When we go to bed at night I make sure that I let momma lift me onto the bed. I am very capable of jumping up myself, but momma is trying to get in shape and so lifting all 40lbs of me onto the bed is good exercise. Momma says that I can hop up myself, but I think I'm helpin'.

5. In the evening momma turns on the fireplace to warm up the bedroom. I like to curl up on the bed in front of it and get myself all hot so that when momma gets into bed and I snuggle up to her I make her warm. Momma says I'm a heat seeker, I think I'm helpin'.

6. When we go outside to play and momma's ready for us all to come in, I make sure she really means that I'm supposed to come in. Sometimes she calls us the wrong names, so I wait till she gets through all my names so I know it's really me she wants. Pants, Pid, D, Porter, P'il D and Piddle D. She hasta say them all so I know. Momma says I'm not listening, I think I'm helpin'.

7. When momma gets up to pee in the middle of the night I help lots.
- First, I move onto her spot so that it doens't get cold! Momma says I'm stealing her spot, I think I'm helpin'.
-Second, when momma gets up and then gets back I push against her when she pushes me out of her spot. I do this so that momma can work her arm muscles a bit in the middle of the night. Momma says I"m being difficult, I think I'm helpin'.

8. All the other dogs ('cept Halen, he's little still, I mean young little, not size little, he's HUGE!) jump on the grooming table by themselves. I just put my feet up and ask momma to boost me. I do this so that momma has something to do when we're in the dog room. It makes her so happy when I finally make it up on my own and it makes her smile, so I throw one in every now and then. Momma says I'm being silly and can jump that high, I think I'm helpin'.

9. I don't shed. Honestly. I've never blown out my coat in my 2yrs of life. Momma says that's weird, I think I'm helpin'.

10. I'm adorable and make momma smile all the time, I think I'm helpin'.