Sunday, September 28, 2014

TWO LITTLES!! By Porter.

Hi everyone.  You  might remember the last couple posts last year were about Cat delivering us a whole buncha littles.  I wasn't very impressed.  Momma said that we were going to be keeping one.  Well, I might not very good at counting, but I know basic 'rithmatics and a Porter, Turner, Cat and Halen equals four.  Plus one little equals five.  Somehow there's six of us now.  :/  Fleece AND Pounce, Momma, that's TWO!

So yah, we kept two littles.

The spotty one that kinda looks like my poppa did is Fleece.  She is really nice.  She listens really good to us big dogs and is very respectedful.  The black one is evil.  Her name is Pounce.  And that's ALL SHE DOES.  She pounces in my face all the time, but I don't get too mad cause she is pretty cute.  I'm getting to be too mature to be silly and play with them lots, but I do now and then.

Yahhh, THIS was a good idea momma.  Maybe they're all so dirty because there's an extra.  Felix stayed with us for a bit cause his face was broken or something.  Then he went to live with a really nice girl on the other side of the boat hwy.

My friend Cat.  Just cause she's so pretty.  K, I might this she's super pretty right now cause of what momma calls hormones.  I guess theyr'e well named, they did make me moan.  But it's all fine now, she's not in season anymore...does that mean that she's in winter while we're all in fall?  Dunno.

 LOOK!  Those littles even get to test out the new car momma bought us!

 My nemesis.  Momma said that she knew me 'n Halen wouldn't be friends forever, and I guess I have to give her that one, she was right.  HE'S SO MEAN!  But Turner says that Halen's only me ta me because I bite him sometimes.  Either way, we're not allowed to play outside together no more, but we're friendly in the house, cause momma makes us be.  Sometimes he makes me feel bad about myself cause I'm so much littler, so I have to growl at him though.

 I decided I had to check out the back of the couch.  All the girls sleep up there and tell me how comfy it is, so I finally checked it out at Cat's persistence.  I don't get it.  It's slippery and round and I think I'd rather just lay on the couch next to her. 
Except that you can do this when momma is trying to take a cute snuggling picture of me up there.  She says I have the fastest tongue in the west.  I dunno who west is, but he better give me back my tongue, cause it belongs in my mouth!

 I learned how to play ball this summer.  It was fun, but I can take it or leave it.  Aren't I amazingly handsome?

I ate some bubbles too.  I really like bubbles.  They feel neat on my tongue the way they burst.  And they make me burp, I dunno if that's good or bad, but whatever, I'm a boy, boys burp.

 We had cake on Turner's birthday!!  Not nearly as good as the beer I got on my first birthday, but the cake was pretty good.  Dunno why I had to have a cone on my head though.

 Oh, now I'm all out of order.  we went camping this summer too!  Momma and Pounce had to go look pretty now and then, but it was so much fun camping, just me and momma and the rest of the dogs.  We got to sleep in a tent and everything!


So, there's this rumour going around that momma is going away to Texas again, and this time she's taking Pounce and Turner!!  So unfair.  I think that means they have to fly in the sky, and I'm not very good at flying cause I don't got wings so maybe it's a good idea I'm not going.  Not sure how Pounce and Turner are flying cause they don't got wings either, but momma must have a plan.

This is what Turner's gonna do in Texas. 
This is what Pounce is gonna do in Texas.


 That's it for now!  Sorry about the pictures of the other dogs, my momma said I had to talk about something other than me.
By Porter.