Tuesday, April 24, 2018

No Fun Pounce Strikes Again. By Porter.

Me again!

SIGH.  SIIIIIIGGGGHHHHH.  You know how Pounce gets called No Fun Pounce cause she sometimes doesn't let us have fun (she has a lot of rules).  Yah.  She's a big meanie.  I remember back in the day when she was cute and pouncey.  Now she's just teethy.

HeLa just started smelling kinda good and all grown up in the last couple days.  Pounce has been playing with her lots so I figured, "Hey!  I like to play with HeLa when she smells good too!"  NFP (NoFunPounce) said NO WAY PORTER and won't let me play with her!  How unfair is that?!  She kept pushing me out of the way and standing between me and HeLa.  I mean come on, she can't her all the friends all to herself all the time!

Momma didn't even come to my rescue or tell NFP off.  She LET her be snotty.  SIGH.  She said "Porter we have three more weeks of this, you better not be a pain the whole time".  Why am *I* getting in trouble, what did *I* do???

OH!  AND!  Cat gets to be loose in the house now!  What, just cause Cat is a couple months older than me she gets to be loose?  She doesn't even do patrol, she just curls up on the couch and sleeps.  I mean if I was loose I'd make sure there was no food left anywhere, and if so, clean it all up, even if that means climbing over gates and stuff to get it.  It's important food doesn't go bad on counters.  I'd also make sure strangers know this is OUR HOUSE by putting a weeeeee bit of Porter smell on the odd corner.  How is Comatose Cat better than Protective Porter? 

My sister is still here.  She finally isn't growling at us all all the time.  SHE also gets to be loose in the house.

This week just gets worse and worse.  i don't even have any pictures to share with you.

By Porter.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Importance of Cuddles. By Porter.

It's time to get serious guys.  You need to give your dogs lots of cuddles.  Nice massages around our faces and ears.  Tummy rubs (if your fuzz butts like that sorta thing, not all of us do...and some of us it's more sides of the tummy rubs cause we have boy parts in the middle), bum scritches, all very important.  

When you massages our ears it helps give us nice relaxy feelings.  Momma even did it with Fleece every night because it maybe helped her not get sick like she did.  She does it with all of us now and it puts us right to sleep.  It just feels so good and makes us mushy. 
Zazzles and HeLa give each other cuddles.  Not sure if they tell momma their findings though.

When you feels all around our heads and necks you feels our limf (editors note:  lymph) nodes if they're bumpy.  That means we might be sick.  Momma says her limf nodes are puffy right now cause her tonsil is angry and swollen.  I'm not sure why limf nodes are such reactive sorts but they are. 

When you gives us tummy rubs it helps you find out if our tummies are sore, or if we have skin itchies, or if we have weird lumps, 'specially 'round our nipples. 

HeLa loves tummy and chest rubs.

When you gives us massages and bum scritches, you find any lumps and bumps that might be new.  Usually these are no biggie, just fatty lumps...even if you're not...um...puffy...like me, you can still get fatty lumps.

We all love cuddles.

Momma had to take Cat to the vet for a checkup the other day and while they were there she had the doctor guy (he's GREAT he gives us cookies, but Cat doesn't like people touching her inappropriately so it wasn't her idea of a good time) check up all her lumps.  Me n Cat are getting older so our bodies are changing.  The doctor guy felt one he didn't like the feel of.  The others he said "how did you find these, they're so small!" to my momma...it's cause she gives us lots of cuddles.  Anyhoo, Cat told me that the doctor guy stuck a needle in her bum! (editors note: it was a needle in the lump, which is on her croup).  Today momma got a phone call that made her so happy!  She said Cat just had fat in her lump.  PHEW!  Though wait...what else could it have been?  I dunno.  But I'm sure glad we get lotsa cuddles.  But I hope I don't ever have a weird lump cause I sure don't want a needle in my bum, that sounds pretty terrible!

So, Go.  Cuddles for everyone! 
By Porter.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Belated Yesterday. By Porter.

Ahem.  Ahhhhem.  hem.hemhem.



Yep.  We sorta forgot HeLa's birthday yesterday.  No wonder she was being so bad!  She was into EVERYTHING yesterday, I bet it was cause she was looking for her present and cake.  Now I feel bad.  But not really cause I'm not on the present OR cake committee.  That's all momma, she has the plastic card that buys stuff.  Besides...I do NOT remember getting cake or presents for MY birthday. 

I notice today that HeLa has a new necklace on.  Her winter one got put up and today she has Mickey Mouses on her necklace.  It's pretty cute.  So yah, she got a present.  I still never got nothing for my birthday.  I'm EIGHT, I do not remember EIGHT presents.  Or EIGHT cakes.  or EIGHT songs. 

I think this year we should have another cake year.  We didn't even have HeLa last time we had a cake to share!  That's it.  I'm gonna start a petition.  I don't really know what that is, but it's called a PETition, so it must be something that pets do to get stuff they want.

Momma also realized we don't have a group photo of everyone except in the snow!  So she said HeLa has to learn how to stay now.  Good luck with that, that kid never stops moving!

Well, I don't have much else to say, except we all apologize to HeLa for missing her birthday yesterday.  By Porter.

see.  Always moving.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Racing in the Rain. By Porter.

Oh boy you guys (yep, I'm skipping riiiight over my absence), what a night tonight!  It's really rainy tonight!  I don't mind the rain, but certain other members of our household (HeLa) aren't fans.  Neither is my sister Eva.  Eva is here!  She was just here at Christmas and now she's here again!  I like her, but she isn't used to having so many of us dogs around so tries to avoid us all.  And the rain.

This is me and Eva on our 8th birthday when she was here in December

Tonight we all got put outside for our bedtime pee.  I busied myself with trying to figure out how to get in the chicken pen again (bugger, it was locked, something about chickens getting out and Pounce pouncing and Butch being humiliated, but that's a story from yesterday).  The girls all went pee, even HeLa.  Turner toodled off behind the house to do his Turner stuff.

Turner back in February

Then we all came in, got the house all wet like we like to do.  Except Turner.  Momma called him and called him, no Turner.  This is not like Turner at all!  He always listens, he's actually a bit of a brown noser.  With a brown nose incidentally.  I like to keep momma on her toes, that's WAY more fun!  Anyways, she asked us if we'd seen him, we hadn't, she called and called...nothing.  She was getting pretty worried, I could tell.  She said something about maybe he hurt himself or got stuck somewhere, or something about falling down and it being really bad.  (she tends to go to the worst case scenario kinda easily).

So, Pounce and HeLa got outfitted in their light up collars - they had to go because they get into stuff, shocker, *I* was left loose.  Fairly surprising as I'm the one who likes to to explore a bit.  They all went out in the pouring rain, momma in her jammies.  Searched allll over for Turner, and guess what?  He got himself locked in the garden!  That is something I would do!  That is something I have done...a lot.  But it's been either the goat pen or the chicken pen cause there's yummy snacks in those pens.

all of us in our light up collars!

That was our excitement for the night.  Momma said that she was giving me the job of reporting on the farm goings on because everyone liked my writing.  She said something about eggs and hatching that I'll get to write about soon.  I'm not sure what that means, but there's a big box on the table making fan noises and little ball things in there.  A LOT of little ball things.  Dunno what's gonna come out of them, maybe dinosaurs! 

That's all for today!  See you next time we have and adventure!

Just a little Porter for your enjoyment.