Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kitty Cat Cat Cats. By Porter.

That's my Cat!  And some other girls.
I'm not sure if I've told you guys, but Cat is my bestest friend in the whole wide world (other than momma).  She came to live with us when she was big (I was super tiny when I came to live with us), and we got to grow up together cause we're the same age kinda.  Today Cat has been living with us for EIGHT years!  I'm pretty happy cause that means we've been friends for eight years.  I try to be friends with Turner but he keeps stealing my stuff.  Turner says it's all our stuff but he takes it right out of my mouth!  I growl but then we get in trouble.

Oh right.  Me 'n Pounce got in trouble this week.  Sometimes Pounce makes me mad and I say bad things to her, then she says bad words back.  Usually she bites me, not hard, but still makes me so mad!  We got sent off to our corners, I dunno why I had to go to, it's never MY fault.  Pounce always gets me in trouble.  But then later, we went in the bathroom and the empty toilet paper roll hit the ground and I stole it first and wouldn't let Pounce have ANY of it!  HA HA HA HA!!!  Empty TP rolls are Pounce's favouritist thing in the whole wide world, and I TOOK IT!  Take THAT!

We got to have fresh peas for dinner tonight!  I love fresh peas.  I like to savour them and enjoy every pod, but the sheer number of dogs that live here make that impossible.  I think momma and I should move out on our own.  Oh, Cat can come too.  But no cats.  Momma said something about moving, so maybe we are!  Oh, I guess HeLa can come, I don't mind her.  And then Pounce would hafta come cause she wears HeLa out.  And then Turner might as well come cause he'd be lonely without all of us.  huh.  My plan fell apart there didn't it?

Unfortunately I don't have any fun stories.  We've been pretty boring around here lately.  It's too hot to move.  *I* am the only smart one that goes wading in our wading pool.  HeLa says she'll melt, the others used to wade, but not this year.  Dunno why. 

Till next time, hopefully I'll have more fun stories!
By Porter.

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