Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I doesn't recommend... - Sept 6, 2010

getting stung by many waspses...we were showin' grampa where to put the fence so we can't get out anymore and we kinda made the black hornet nest really really angry. Momma thought mommaImpulse got stung too, but it musta been a something else, she was hanging her ear down low and wasn't havin' no fun with us in the field anymore. She's fine now though. Then we got in the house and I crawled up on teh couch cause my face hurt and momma thought that was weird, and when she looked at me, HOLY COW she said!

My momma has given me a white pill she called Reactine. I'm reactin' alright! My face is all itchy and my leg is all itchy, and I'm a bit twitchy too, cause you never know, those little noises or when something pulls my hair it could be another waspses! But I'm still me, I still wiggle my bum and hang out with momma.

Puffy Porter...

Feeling a little bit sorry for myself. Momma says I deserve to feel sorry for myself.

See...Puffy Porter. my left eye is more irritated, but my right eye is more puffy. We don't know why.

My lip isn't swollen, momma is holding me still on the other side of my face. This is the worst side. She took it for comparisons purpose to see if I need to go to see my friend Jeff. he's a dog doctor.

See, I'm okay! for the most part anyways.

Checkin' In - Sept 1, 2010

Hi everyone! It's Pants Man!

Momma said you missed me and I should check in. Check! I'm sorry I don't have any new pictures this time, I'll get momma on that.

It's been soooo busy around our house! First, you all know that Cat arrived. Not like a cat like Flame, but Cat like a dog. I know, it's confuseding. Me 'n Cat are bestest friends. Momma said yesterday we better not be denting the walls while we played in the hallway, but I think we mighta left little ones. She's just soooo fun to play with that we forget! She must be really super cool, cause even Uncle Turner plays with her now! Momma says that if Uncle Turner isn't careful he'll turn into a normal dog cause he plays with me now AND Cat. I dunno, he looks pretty normal to me. Poppa Argus is back home, he got ta go stay at gramma and grampa's so mom didn't have more puppies. He said he really missed us though, so mom might try to keep him home next time. That's good, I missed my poppa.

Super big exciting news here! Me 'n Cat getta sleep on the BED at night! How cool is that?! Actually, I don't like sleeping on the bed cause momma keeps stealing my spot, and she says that it's HER bed and she can sleep wherever. I dunno bout that. Anyways, there is a perfect little hidey hole behind the crate that I sleep. I like it dark. Like me. Cat sleeps on the bed, and she is scared of the dark I think cause she always brings her security snake to bed with her. She takes her snake everywhere, and never lets me play with it. Anyways, momma said we were big dogs now and if we didn't wreck nothing, we didn't have to sleep in crates. So far, momma's found nothing we've wrecked...yet. There is a couch in there that we can sleep on and everything! I can jump all the way from the bed to the couch and not fall, it's about 5' away! I found out pretty quick that momma doesn't like it when I jump back from the couch to the bed in the middle of the night cause I sorta landed on her, and she pushed me on the floor and I fell and was embarrased.

Um, let's see. Me 'n Turner get in trouble all the time becuase we are always out the back eating blackberries when mom calls us in for bed. Doesn't she know that prime blackberry picking time is at 10pm? Sheesh. I have to supplement my diet cause I don't think she feeds me enough. only TWICE a day? What the heck is that?

Momma says that we have to prepare to stay with gramma and grampa for a couple weeks next month. I'm not sure why, but she better not bring back another dog. I like Cat and all, but I sorta like being the baby, and we have no more room for more dogs. Cat's a bit nervous cause she doesn't really know gramma and grampa, but I told her they have a super cool dog to play with, and they don't really know the rules, so we can PAR-TAY for two weeks when momma's gone!

I think that's all I got for now. Momma's gonna take me and Cat for some sheep lessons this winter and we're really excited about that. I like to run realllllly fast around them and make them run! haha!

I'll try to come back with more pictures after I've had a chat wtih my momma about missing out on the best months of our lives and not getting everything documented.

My momma DOES love me! - July 6, 2010

It's me. Porter. Again.

I kinda have to apologize to my momma. Today she got me my very own special toy. I KNOW she loves me best again cause it's a REALLY COOL TOY! Way better than that stupid snake that Cat got, and she gots to share it with everyone. My toy is my very own special one, no one else gets to play with it.

Heehee...and it's a spotty cat. My momma says that when my big sister is being a pain, I can take out my anger on my spotty cat toy. I'm not sure how I can do that without mom's help, she keeps it waaaay up high on the fridgerator so the big dogs can't rip it apart.

Momma took me out all by my own self and we played with my toy. And guess what! I learnded how to fetch! I've never been much of a fetcher cause the rest of the dogs get to the toys first. But when I got out there on my own, who else was gonna bring it back to momma? she said she wasn't throwing it so she could get it, so I guess that left me (but why did she keep throwing it if she wasn't gonna get it?)

HaHA, Gotcha! (and yes, mom realizes how redneck this picture makes our place look with the unmowed grass and jerry can in the background...directions to our house include "we're the house after the road to the dump", what do you expect. :roll: )

I have evil plans for you, I shall...oh dangit, hi mom.

I carry you by the head, how do you like that!

I pounce on you before you can escape!

oh no! it got away!!

Not for long, I'm a good cat catcher.

I show off my catch...while firmly keeping a grip on its tail so it doesn't escape on me.

I hold it up scary high!

I pin it down low in the grass.

I...um...pose for a photo op.

wait, get my good side.

just so handsome she can't stop taking pics.

Try to escape while I'm distracted! Never! haha, you will never escape me and my wiley ways.

Phew, being a big cat hunter is TOUGH WORK. It's nice to know that my momma really does love me lots! I hear that now we're gonna go wrap Christmas presents which seems a bit odd to do in July...but what do I know.

Big Sisters Suck. By Porter. - July 4, 2010

Hi guys. Well. The novelty's wearin off my new friend. She gets EVERYTHING! She gets to go everywhere with mom. Even to the dump. I never get to go to the dump. I hear the lady there gives you cookies.

This weekend she got to go with mom BOTH DAYS! (okay so did I), but yesterday she even gots to chase sheeps around!! I never got to. I had to sit in the van all day. Okay, well, I did get to get out and play with my belgian friends. And she only gots to play with the sheeps a little bit. But still! Today it was just us puppies, and we got to go see sheeps again. That's right, SEE them. We never got to sniff them, or play with them, or chase them. Just see them. And see other dogs chasing them. No fair. And THEN! This is the worst part! We stopped at a store, and I didnt' get to come out of the van. Again, no fair, I ALWAYS get to shop at Bosleys. Then mom bought some stuff and we came home. When we got home she gave Turner his little soother toy that he loves (I make fun of him cause it's pink and for puppies, but it's his favourite toy ever), and then she gives the new snake toy to HER! I sat and I waited and I waited and I waited for me new toy. And nothing. She didn't get Porter nothing at all. (note from "the mom"...it really was sad, he just sat in front of me waiting for his loot with this hopefull little look on his face, it kinda broke my heart, poor kiddo).

Anyways, Mom didn't take enough pictures, and she certainly doesn't take enough of me anymore. Somehow the pictures all end up red and spotty. Sheesh. I think having a big sister is a bit of a pain in bum. But she can be really really fun outside. We get really dirty, and dig in the dirt and play in the pool, and run after the ball. Okay, maybe she's a bit okay.

Cat watching the sheep with her new friend Lori. We was at Lori's house yesterday, she has fun belgian shepherds, two naked ones and one fuzzy one. They're all fun.

That's me watching my friend Idol put his sheep away. I coulda comed help, but everyone said he had it under control.

someone got some wool for the black belgian puppy. I decided it might be neat. But it wasn't. It didn't run or squeak or nothing.

Whoaaaa, sheeeep.

Cat and her, I mean OUR new toy. I'm not really into toys, so I guess I don't care that much.

Hmmm, and mom notices that most of these pics have a Porter Pants in them and also makes note of the fact that Porter is sitting on her lap right now. Hmmm, neglected puppy, I don't think so.

Cat's arrival - June 24, 2010

this is from my whole family and our first impressions of Cat.

Dear Aussieboarders...

My mom brought home a new dog. And it's a GIRL! WTH? I thought *I* was the only bitch allowed in this house! I'm undecided if I like her (she bit me yesterday morning, so I'm leaning towards no, but mom got after her and now she realizes my higher status in this house) and I'm punishing mom by not coming to bed at night till she's asleep.

Dear Aussieboarders.
The cat can go home anytime. She's scary and she bites my bum when I run outside, I don't like that. However, she's kinda fun in the house.


Hey guys! Momma brought home a new friend for me! FINALLY I got my half birthday present! The first day I had to let her know that I wasn't gonna be low man on the totem pole no more and I sat on her head. Now we're bestest friend and mom says she's gonna have to go buy more socks. We both looove socks, but now that there's two sock loving dogs we tend to like to play tug with them, and mom doesnt' really like that. The only problem with her is that she's really exhuberant in the morning and I'm not quite ready to play that rough when it's early. She's super duper fun in the evening though!

*a note from the human. Cat is settling in nicely, she has found every toy in the house and tried it out. The pack is still figuring things out, but everyone's being really good about it. There was a slight skirmish over a toy yesterday afternoon with the girls, but they seem to be fine together now. Cat plays *totally* different from the rest of the dogs, so they're figuring her out still and learning that when she gets too rough, it's okay to tell her so! Turner doens't like her play style, but is warming up to her. I'm sure soon they will be fast friends, it took him nearly 4 months to like Porter! Argus is in love of course. Porter really likes Cat, except in the morning, he takes a bit to wake up, and she's READY TO ROCK!

A note from the rest of the dogs... - June 19, 2010

I come by my writing naturally, here is a note from my mom when the aussieboard was doing Christmas in July.

I hope someone picks us for secret santa. Our mom only gives us cardboard bits to play with. They're fun sometimes, but it would be nice to have something better than bits of cardboard to play fetch with. They are in great supply as Porter makes big cardboard bits into smaller cardboard bits. I really like Cuz toys and Wubbas better though. Actually I like anything that squeaks so I can destroy the squeaker or rip out the stuffing.

Please and thanks, Impulse.

Seriously, that little scrap is ALL I get!

But um, mom, if you're just gonna sit there, think you could throw that for me?

Dear Aussieboarders....Impulse lies. She is a spoiled brat who got to go to a dog show today while us boys got stuck in our crates all day. But, our mom loves us and buys us new toys all the time, it's just that Impulse wrecks them. Impulse BRINGS the small bits of cardboard for mom to throw, she likes it.

Just thought I'd let you know, Turner.

Here is the new toy that mom got for me today...I LOVE IT!

Guess What?! - June 11, 2009

Guess what! Tomorrow is my half birthday!

Whaddya MEAN I have to wait for my present to come from Texas?? My half birthday's TOMORROW!

Holy Sheep! - May 16, 2010

Okay guys, my momma is the best momma EVER! She took me to see some things called Sheep. Wow. I am meant to be a sheep dog. (and an aside, I want to live at auntie Jo's cause her husband lets me watch hockey playoffs with him and feeds me yummy treats *from the table*!!!)

Momma says I was the best puppy ever and she is amazed by my working abilities at such a young age. I dunno, I was doing what my feet made me do. My brain said "bring sheep to momma". So I did. Reeaallly fast, casue I figure faster is better than slower. Sometimes my momma said "Porrrrter, steady up" and she got in my way sometimes so I had to run the other way. That was fine, but I preferred to run round and round like a clock, momma said that was fine too cause it was my first time and let me do that. Here are some pictures, I hope you like them cause I sure HAD FUN!!

This was within the first two minutes of meeting the sheep. I move...they move, neato!

Then I went allll the way around them and brought them to momma. She said I had good distance...better than my uncle turner even!! She says I also balance good. Well of course I balance good, I gots four feet!

Momma thought it might be a fluke, so she sent me to get them again...

So I wents around thems again...

And brought them back to her!

Silly momma kept losing them sheep and I had to keeps bringing them back.

This sheep thing, it's kinda fun!

That's Turtle. She sometimes needed some r'minding that she was supposed to stay with everyone else.

Momma's helping me here cause I'm a bit too little to be brave enough to go between the sheeps and fence yet, so momma helped.

I ran them right into momma! Lookit her face, I think that's cause Chuck kept getting his horns stuck on her pants.

Hang on momma, those sheeps are getting away again!!

Momma telling me what a super great puppy I was. And then she said "That'll Do Porter" and we left the sheep alone. I had a bit of a hard time, but I came with momma with no leash or nothing!

These were all my today friends. That's Gage, she's a german dog, then my new friend Will, then uncle Gunny, me, momma-Impulse, uncle Turner, Dolly, and the coolest new friend ever, Tony, he's german too.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Week. By Porter - April 21, 2010

This week has been F.U.N, FUN! We've done all kindsa neato things, going for runs in the woods by our house, going to the beech with rocks, and today we got to go to the beech with sand again! All of us!

Momma forgot her camera when we went walking in the bush.

But she bemembered it when we went to the beach. Poppa Argus was really really really barky and it made momma really angry with him, so we didn't get to play as long as we hoped.

Uncle Turner LOVEs water, and he tried to show me how to swim, but he doesnt' have a lot of patience for me.

I ate some waters, and it tasted yummy, but momma said it would make me sick and she'd have to call me Porter Poopy Pants, but she never did. I has a tummy of metal.

Here's Poppa Argus barking, I was going over to tell him to be QUIET!

The big dogs are really fast, I stayed outta their way mostly.

Uncle Turner can even walk on water!

I even swimmed when I was there, but momma didn't get a picture cause she was yelling at poppa Argus to shut up. he was a really bad boy there. She tells me allll the time what a good boy I am for not barking.

Last night we had a bonfire and all kindsa company. I was a really good boy and I had fun with momma's friend's son when he kicked our ball in the field. I kept stealing the beer. Momma says I'm too young for beer, but it's yummy. Uncle Turner taught me ALL about beer. What do they expect when I'm named after beer??

Then today....we had to go back on the road that goes left and right and up and down all at once again. I was a brave boy, I got in the van and I didn't URP! Neither did anyone else, but momma bemembered not to give us breakfast.

We had to walk through teh woods to get there, but not far. then we got to a big beech that was all our own!!!

We ranned really really fast. It was windy so that helped us runned faster. There isn't a lot of pictures of me, I requested momma not take many cause I look silly with the duct tape on my ears.


Don't worry momma we wont' get too far! We were all good dogs.

Lookit how FAST I was running!

We played in the waves

It was SO fun to go to the beech with all my family. We all adventured together.

Uncle Turner was playing in the waves and momma Impulse made sure she checked up on me.

I was practicing to be just like poppa Argus.

And I practiced being just like momma Impulse

One day I'll run fast like my momma Impulse and poppa Argus.

You know what my momma Impulse did???? She was playing in the waves and all of a sudden she pooped! Right in the water! I think she's watched the lab movie too many times. I at least had the decency to poop on the beach where momma could clean up after me. She said she wasn't wading in after momma Impulse.

Uncle Turner loves the beach so much.

Did I mention it was windy?!

My poppa Argus took good care of me and wouldn't let me falled in the hole that he just falled in in the water (we all laffed).

Did you know that there's grass that grows in the WATER???

Uncle Turner on a down stay while people walked by. I jumped on my poppa the whole time. He was annoyed.

We sawed all kindsa neat stuff. Mom says these are starfish. But they weren't in water so I think they are dead cause my fish at home have to stay in the water momma says. But stars live in the sky and not in the water (unless it's raining) so I'm not sure.

An Ememy. I dunno, I think it looks friendly and not like an emeny to me.

That's it! Poppa Argus hasn't barked since we got home. Momma thinks maybe we broke him, and she's happy. I know he's just tired.