Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Holy Sheep! - May 16, 2010

Okay guys, my momma is the best momma EVER! She took me to see some things called Sheep. Wow. I am meant to be a sheep dog. (and an aside, I want to live at auntie Jo's cause her husband lets me watch hockey playoffs with him and feeds me yummy treats *from the table*!!!)

Momma says I was the best puppy ever and she is amazed by my working abilities at such a young age. I dunno, I was doing what my feet made me do. My brain said "bring sheep to momma". So I did. Reeaallly fast, casue I figure faster is better than slower. Sometimes my momma said "Porrrrter, steady up" and she got in my way sometimes so I had to run the other way. That was fine, but I preferred to run round and round like a clock, momma said that was fine too cause it was my first time and let me do that. Here are some pictures, I hope you like them cause I sure HAD FUN!!

This was within the first two minutes of meeting the sheep. I move...they move, neato!

Then I went allll the way around them and brought them to momma. She said I had good distance...better than my uncle turner even!! She says I also balance good. Well of course I balance good, I gots four feet!

Momma thought it might be a fluke, so she sent me to get them again...

So I wents around thems again...

And brought them back to her!

Silly momma kept losing them sheep and I had to keeps bringing them back.

This sheep thing, it's kinda fun!

That's Turtle. She sometimes needed some r'minding that she was supposed to stay with everyone else.

Momma's helping me here cause I'm a bit too little to be brave enough to go between the sheeps and fence yet, so momma helped.

I ran them right into momma! Lookit her face, I think that's cause Chuck kept getting his horns stuck on her pants.

Hang on momma, those sheeps are getting away again!!

Momma telling me what a super great puppy I was. And then she said "That'll Do Porter" and we left the sheep alone. I had a bit of a hard time, but I came with momma with no leash or nothing!

These were all my today friends. That's Gage, she's a german dog, then my new friend Will, then uncle Gunny, me, momma-Impulse, uncle Turner, Dolly, and the coolest new friend ever, Tony, he's german too.

1 comment:

  1. Widdle Piddle Pants is on the WWW!

    Great work, Carly. Its fantastic!
    Shelly, Rio & Shai
